Automation use samples
MS Visual Basic sample
see in directory TestVB.
MS Visual C++ sample
see in directory TestVC.
To add one point to new series, follow these steps:
- Create new series
dwId = FindGraph.DotsNew( Color, Shape,
Width, Aspect, Name)
See The parameters of series,
dwId - identifier of a series.
- Add single point to series with dwId
FindGraph.DotsAddPoint( dwId, X, Y, Z)
- Repaint points
To add at once some points to new series, follow these steps:
- Create new series
dwId = FindGraph.DotsNew( Color, Shape,
Width, Aspect, Name)
- Use variant array. Set the identifier of a series
FindGraph.ArrayId = dwId
- Fill array va[3N]
of dimension 3N with points (X, Y, Z).
- Add at once array to series with dwId
FindGraph.ArrayVar = va
- Repaint points
To create rectangle area and to select it, follow these steps:
- Create rectangle area
dwId = FindGraph.ClipNewRect( Color, Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
Left, Top, Right, Bottom - physical coordinates (X, Y) of marks.
- Select all points in area dwId
FindGraph.ClipSelect( dwId, 1)
To get single selected point, follow these steps:
- Copy selected points (X, Y, Z) and put it on the buffer.
N = FindGraph.SelectedGetStart( 0)
N - number of points selected.
- In cycle we choose points:
for i=1 to N
X = SelectedGetX(i)
Y = SelectedGetY(i)
Z = SelectedGetZ(i)
next i
- Free memory
FindGraph.SelectedGetStop( 0);
To get whole array of selected points at once, follow these steps:
- Copy selected points (X, Y, Z) and put it on the buffer.
N = FindGraph.SelectedGetStart( 0)
N - number of points selected.
- Use variant array va.
Fill array va[3N] of dimension 3N with points (X, Y, Z).
va = FindGraph.ArrayVar
array dimension (UBound(va) + 1) /
- Free memory
FindGraph.SelectedGetStop( 0);
To display picture and digitize it, follow these steps:
- Display the background picture.
FindGraph.DocPictFileName = strFileName
- Create rectangle area with color number 2.
dwIdArea = FindGraph.ClipNewRect(Color, fLeft, fTop, fRight, fBottom)
- Select area.
FindGraph.ClipSelect(dwIdArea, 1)
- Digitize points inside rectangle.
FindGraph.DotsFromPict(Color, Width, "FromPict")
- Free memory
FindGraph.SelectedGetStop( 0);
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 sample
See subdirectory TestVB or VB sample.
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 sample
See subdirectory TestVC or VC sample.
See documentation on methods and properties.